Services & Solutions

Midor specializes in dry dairy production, providing a wide range of services to its customers, including:

Dry Dairy Product in Measuring Cup

Ingredient Sourcing & Blending

Sourcing high-quality ingredients from reputable suppliers and blends them to create custom solutions for our customers.

Semi driving to the sunset

Warehousing & Logistics

We have ample warehouse space and a comprehensive logistics system in place to ensure that its products are delivered to customers on time and in good condition.

Product examples Whey, Lactose and Whey Permeate

Bagging & Packaging

Advanced bagging and packaging equipment and processes to ensure that our products are packaged to the highest standards.

Baby Pig Piglets feeding together

Quality Control & Assurance

In-house testing ensure the quality and safety of our products. We follow strict quality control and assurance procedures to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of safety and quality.

People at a table having a meeting

Custom Solutions & Services

Our expertise in dry dairy production and providing technical services such as product development, processing, and equipment solutions, to name a few, to customers in order to achieve their desired outcome.

Contact Us to Find Out How We Can Help Your Business

Midor's goal is to work closely with its customers to understand their specific needs and requirements and create custom solutions that are tailored to their unique needs, while providing high quality, sustainable and efficient service.